Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Lorax

Polar Bear

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Angry Birddd

Angry bird epicness! 


Poke, Great, Ultra, and Master ball (left to right). I forgot the "M" on the master ball, but oh well.


Yay for totoro! This one was kinda messed up because the grey was too light to contrast the white >.< but it's the effort that counts right? meh


This is a panda I made out of white and purple paper. I cut out some paper for the ears, hands, eyes, and bamboo


This is a penguin I made out of the same pieces that make a swan. I used a lighter purple for the body and a darker purple for the wings. Yellow outlined the chest and white was used for the chest and face. I made this without following anything which shows how versatile this type of origami is.